How to Stay In The Present Moment

Our minds drift to many different places throughout the day. What should I eat? Did they like my presentation? I need to remember to call the doctor. And so on.

It's normal for minds to drift.

But if you have a mind that is prone to worry thoughts, then you can find yourself distracted often which makes it hard to do the things in life that matter most to you, like focus on your job, enjoying time with you family and friends, and working towards your goals.

Although it's normal for minds to drift, we can work on strengthening our ability to stay in the present moment through attention training. We can do exercises for our mind, just like we may exercise our body through running or lifting weights. Below are two ways to help you strengthen your ability to return to the present moment. (Remember, the goal isn't to never drift, because that's just what minds do. Your goal is to get better at noticing when you drift and bring yourself back to the moment)

Attentional Training in Two Ways

  1. Self-focused Attention

This is where you notice thoughts, feelings, and sensations that are occurring inside of you. The point isn't to try and control them or make them go away, but instead notice them without judgement. For instance, you may say "I notice my heart racing" or "here's anxiety." By doing this in a matter of fact way, we stay curious and in the present rather than pulled into a story our mind tells us.

  1. Task-focused Attention

You can practice staying present in the moment through an everyday task, such as washing the dishes. While doing this task, you can focus on:

  • Touch: what does the water feel like? What is the temperature like?

  • Sight: What catches my eye? What colors or patterns do I see?

  • Hear: What sounds do I notice?

  • Smell: What smells do I notice?

  • Taste? what flavors do I notice? what is the quality of the flavor? Strong? Mild?

Written by Jenny Matthews, LMFT, LADC

Jenny is a therapist that specializes in helping over-thinkers and worriers get relief from anxiety so they can be present with their loved ones.

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