5 Things Not to Do When Traveling with an Anxious Flyer

5 Things Not to Do When Traveling with an Anxious Flyer

Traveling with someone who is anxious about flying can be tough. While most people mean well when trying to ease another person's anxiety, sometimes those good intentions can backfire. To help your travel companion feel more at ease, steer clear of these five common mistakes.

1. Don’t Suggest Alcohol or Drugs

Although it might seem like a drink could help someone relax, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution and can actually create more issues.

Alcohol can lead to dehydration, which can heighten anxiety, and getting intoxicated could result in embarrassing situations or make it difficult to respond in an emergency. Plus, mixing alcohol with certain medications can be dangerous. Instead, encourage healthier coping methods.

2. Avoid Saying “Calm Down”

Telling someone to calm down when they’re anxious is rarely helpful.

If it were that easy, they’d do it themselves. Instead, offer specific actions like giving a comforting back rub, suggesting deep breathing exercises, or reassuring them with “I’m here with you, and you’re safe.”

3. Don’t Try to “Fix” Their Fear

Anxious flyers often know that flying is statistically safe, but their brain reacts differently in the moment. Validate their feelings and acknowledge how challenging this is for them.

Trying to talk them out of their fear usually leads to frustration and shutting down.

4. Don’t Rush or Be Late

Adding time pressure to someone already anxious about flying only makes things worse. Give yourselves plenty of time to get to the airport and through security.

Reducing the rush can help keep their stress levels down.

5. Be Mindful of Your Own Behavior

Anxiety can make people more sensitive to annoying habits, like chewing loudly or talking too much. Don’t take their irritability personally—understanding can go a long way.

You may benefit from your own stress reduction skills as flying with someone who is afraid can also be hard on you.


Struggling with a Fear of Flying?

If you or someone you know has a fear of flying, there's hope. Share this link with your loved one and encourage them to join our upcoming masterclass: "Coping Skills Are Not The Key To Overcoming Your Fear of Flying: 5 Mistakes That Could Be Making Your Fear of Flying Worse."

In this masterclass, you’ll learn effective strategies and gain valuable insights to help you conquer your fear and fly with confidence.

Sign up now and take the first step toward overcoming your fear!


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