Navigating Flight Anxiety: Where I Am on My Journey Today

Navigating Flight Anxiety: Where I Am on My Journey Today

This month I’m taking my family trip to Arizona and I can't help but reflect on my journey with flight anxiety, especially considering I recently flew in February. Each flight brings me a step closer to confident flying, reinforcing the notion that practice truly does make progress.

Since my last flight just a couple of months ago, I've noticed a significant boost in my confidence. The more I fly, the more confident I become. 

In fact, I have had no anticipatory anxiety whatsoever. But I’m not going to think that it won’t show up at some point. Because it certainly could. And if so, I’m ready for it. My resilience is stronger than my fear right now. 

I wouldn’t be where I’m at in my journey with flight anxiety if I hadn’t understood what subtle things I was doing that were actually worsening it. And if you want to learn more about this, I have a free masterclass coming up this month, where I can teach you too (stay tuned for the details).

So what am I doing to prepare for my flight? Honestly nothing. The last time I flew, I wanted to make sure I sought out some challenges (like going on a ferris wheel) to confront uncomfortable sensations. 

I don’t feel like I will need to do that now since I flew just this past February. While I'm feeling more confident this time around, I know I'll still find opportunities for practice – perhaps on the swing set or on the trampoline with my kids where that familiar drop in the tummy sensation awaits. 

So I'm not actively seeking discomfort. Instead, I'm focusing on planning future trips. In fact, I have two more coming up after this Arizona trip. My goal is to keep flying.

I have the skills I need, I just need to continue practicing them in the air. Which is so different from years ago when the mere thought of flying would cause me to shake and think about how I could get out of this trip. 

If you are thinking that you will always be an anxious flyer, then keep following my journey. I will keep sharing my journey with you in hopes of inspiring you that it’s possible to have confidence to handle your anxiety. 

Need More Support With Your Fear of Flying?

If you need more help with flying anxiety,  Grab the Free Flight Anxiety Toolkit for my top 12 tips here.


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