State of Mind Therapy

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Conquering Anticipation Anxiety for Fearful Flyers

You decide you are going to book that vacation. You start to research flights and notice your stomach churn.

You can barely hit the "book now" button because the idea of getting on that plane makes this all feel like too much.

The weeks, days, and even hours leading up to a flight can be filled with dread and worry. This is what we call anticipation anxiety – it’s the mental anguish you experience before you do something you’re anxious or nervous about. It's a common struggle for many who fear flying.

Understanding Anticipation Anxiety

So, what triggers this anxiety? For many fearful flyers, the mere thought of getting on a plane can set it off. You might find yourself tangled up in knots, constantly imagining worst-case scenarios, feeling your heart race, and experiencing sleepless nights. It's like watching a horror movie in your head, where you are the star in a catastrophic event.

If you’re not sure what triggers your anxiety, try keeping a log for one week of when you feel anxious. Notice the symptoms of worry you experience before a flight. If you find yourself thinking "what if" and feeling a whirlwind inside your mind, take note. This can help you identify patterns and specific situations that trigger your anticipation anxiety.

The Science Behind Anticipation Anxiety

Ever wondered why some people are more prone to this type of anxiety? It's not just in your head; there are neurological factors at play. When you experience anxiety, your fight, flight, freeze system is activated. This is your survival system (and no, you can’t get rid of it….and you wouldn’t want to!).

When your brain perceives that something is a threat or dangerous – like flying – it sends signals to give you extra energy to run or fight. If you have a pattern of feeling anxious about flying, your brain has learned to go into fight, flight, or freeze mode even at the smallest reminder of flying.

But here's the thing: anticipation anxiety isn't a disorder on its own. It's a thinking pattern that often accompanies various anxiety disorders. Most people will say that the anticipation was worse than the actual flight.


Because when you're anticipating the worst-case scenario, you're devoting endless time and energy to imagining a catastrophic situation. But when you're actually on the flight, you're busy dealing with the real situation, leaving less room for those scary thoughts.

Can Anticipation Anxiety Be Treated?

Absolutely! There's hope, and evidence-based treatments like Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) can work wonders.

  • ERP Therapy: Helps you face your fears step by step. Overtime, you learn that the scary story in your mind doesn’t usually happen. This help you to start seeing these thoughts and unimportant and untrue.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Teaches you to create distance from anxious thoughts and commit to what’s important, like traveling to visit loved ones or creating new memories.

  • CBT: Helps you examine the accuracy of your thoughts and find a more realistic and helpful way of viewing the situation. For instance, if you’re worried about a plane crash, CBT encourages you to consider the evidence and think about how many flights land safely every day.

How Can I Manage Anticipation Anxiety?

Managing anticipation anxiety effectively involves several strategies:

  • Mindfulness: This is like a mental workout that helps you pull yourself back to the present moment when your mind starts spiraling into worst-case scenarios.

  • Relaxation Techniques: These can ease the physical sensations of anxiety, like muscle tension and a rapid heartbeat.

  • Cognitive Restructuring: Challenge catastrophic thoughts and see situations more realistically.

  • Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that these thoughts and feelings are tough but remember that you’re not alone and can handle this.

  • Acknowledging the Scary Story: Recognize that your mind is playing a horror movie, and these thoughts are just stories, not reality.

Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations

It's essential to set realistic goals in your journey to overcome anticipation anxiety. Even with effective strategies, you might still feel anxious at times, and that's okay. It takes consistent effort and practice to learn new skills and habits.

So, as long as you keep practicing, you will make progress. The key is not to beat yourself up about it. Instead, acknowledge your anxiety and remind yourself that it's natural. With the right tools, you can handle it.


Here’s the good news: anticipation anxiety is treatable. If you find yourself struggling, don’t hesitate to seek help. Therapists trained in CBT, ACT, and ERP, like those at State of Mind Therapy, can guide you through this journey.

Need More Support With Your Fear of Flying?

If you need more help with flying anxiety,  Grab the Free Flight Anxiety Toolkit for my top 12 tips here for more ease on your next flight.

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