A Simple Grounding Exercise to Help You Stay Present in the Moment

Are you constantly worrying about the future? Do you find yourself caught up in anxious thoughts that make it hard to focus on the here and now? You’re not alone. One effective way to manage these feelings is through grounding exercises. These exercises help anchor you to the present moment, reducing anxiety and helping you feel more in control. Today, I’ll guide you through a simple grounding exercise that you can use anytime you need to bring yourself back to the present.

The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise

This grounding exercise uses your five senses to help you stay grounded. The next time you feel overwhelmed by anxious thoughts, try using the following formula:

5 - LOOK

Look around for five things that you can see, and say them out loud. For example:

  • "I see the computer."

  • "I see the cup."

  • "I see the picture frame."

4 - FEEL

Pay attention to your body and think of four things that you can feel, and say them out loud. For example:

  • "I feel my feet warm in my socks."

  • "I feel the hair on the back of my neck."

  • "I feel the pillow I am laying on."


Listen for three sounds. It could be the sound of traffic outside, the sound of typing, or the sound of your tummy rumbling. Say the three things out loud. For example:

  • "I hear the birds chirping."

  • "I hear the hum of the air conditioner."

  • "I hear the clicking of the keyboard."


Say two things you can smell. If you’re able to, it’s okay to move to another spot and sniff something. If you can’t smell anything at the moment or you can’t move, then name your two favorite smells. For example:

  • "I smell the fresh coffee."

  • "I smell the scent of my lotion."


Say one thing you can taste. It may be the toothpaste from brushing your teeth, or a mint from after lunch. If you can’t taste anything, then say your favorite thing to taste. For example:

  • "I taste the minty flavor from my toothpaste."

  • "I taste the chocolate I had earlier."

Why Exercise Works for anxiety

Grounding exercises like this one are effective because they help shift your focus from your anxious thoughts to your physical surroundings. It gets you out of your head and into the present. By engaging your senses, you can break the cycle of worry and bring your attention back to the present moment. This not only helps reduce anxiety but also helps you feel more in control and less overwhelmed.


Incorporating grounding exercises into your daily routine can be a simple yet powerful way to manage anxiety and stay present. The 5-4-3-2-1 grounding exercise is easy to remember and can be done anywhere, anytime. Try it the next time you find yourself worrying about the future or caught up in anxious thoughts.

Remember, the goal is to stay connected to the present moment. Practice this exercise regularly, and you’ll find it easier to keep your worries at bay and focus on the here and now.

P.S. Don’t forget to download our 5 Steps to Live More, Worry Less for more helpful tips on handling anxiety. This guide is designed to help you take control of your anxiety and live a more fulfilling life.

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