What's Your Why?

What’s Your Why?

Have you ever felt paralyzed by fear, unable to take that first step forward?

Maybe it's the thought of boarding a plane or facing a crowded room. Whatever it is, I get it. But here's the thing: it's time to kick fear to the curb and live a bigger, bolder life. 

What if you could start booking flights without starting to overthink about all the things that could go wrong? 

Or go to a party without planning your exit?  

If you notice a nagging thought that says “that’ll never happen for me” or “it’s not worth it” then it’s time to start working on your motivation. 

Lets face it. Change isn’t easy. And you can probably get by for awhile without doing anything about it. But eventually life smacks you in the face and you can’t keep ignoring it. 

Maybe that’s the day you get a call where you HAVE to fly because your job depends on it, or your bff is getting married. Or you need to attend a funeral of a loved one. 

And then you are faced with letting this fear take over and cause you to miss out. Or you panic the entire way there. 

Don’t wait until you HAVE to change.

If you wait to until you have to fly, or go to a wedding, or whatever, to start working on your fear then you will not have enough time to learn the skills you need to.

Start now. Give yourself one year to really invest in yourself so that you can spend the rest of your life unleashed from the fear monster. 

Take a moment to picture your future. What does it look like when fear no longer holds you back? Can you see yourself boarding that plane, heart pounding but head held high? It's a powerful image, isn't it?

And what will your life look like one year from now if you continue to let fear and anxiety control your actions and decisions? 

What if you chose to spend the next year investing in learning how to overcome your fear? Where could that take you? How would that impact your loved ones? 

If you need help facing your fear, get professional support. You’re not the only one going through this and anxiety is treatable. 

Not sure where to start? Grab our Live More, Worry Less Guide to start learning more about the top 5 strategies we teach our clients everyday. 

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