How to Talk Back to Your Flight Anxiety

When anxiety shows up before or during a flight, it can feel overwhelming. It’s like that annoying relative who won’t stop giving you advice that you never asked for.

But guess what?

You don’t have to listen!

Talking back to your flight anxiety is one of the most effective ways to take control and feel empowered. By challenging the anxious thoughts, you remind your mind who’s really in charge—you!

Here are 15 powerful things you can say to talk back to your anxiety and regain control:

15 Ways Talk Back to Flight Anxiety

  • "Hey, anxiety, I’m not falling for your tricks today!"
    Anxiety loves to tell you that something is wrong, but you know better. This phrase lets your mind know that you’re not buying into the fear.

  • "You can’t stop me—I’m stronger than you think!"
    Remind yourself that you’ve faced challenges before, and you’ve made it through. Anxiety may show up, but it doesn’t have the final say.

  • "I’ve flown before, and I can do it again."
    You’ve already proven you can handle flying, and this time is no different. Use this to remind yourself of past successes.

  • "Nice try, anxiety, but I’m still going on this adventure!"
    Anxiety tries to convince you to back out, but you’ve got a trip to enjoy! This phrase empowers you to stay excited about your journey.

  • "I’m the boss here, not you!"
    Put anxiety in its place. You’re the one making the decisions, not your fears.

  • "Feeling nervous? That’s okay, but I’m in charge now."
    Acknowledge that feeling anxious is normal, but you’re still in control of what happens next.

  • "I know you’re just trying to scare me, but I won’t listen."
    Anxiety often tries to frighten you, but you don’t have to give in. This phrase helps you create some distance between your feelings and your actions.

  • "You can’t keep me from having fun!"
    Remind yourself that you’re flying for a reason—whether it’s an exciting trip or seeing loved ones. Anxiety won’t take that away from you.

  • "I see what you’re doing, but I’m not afraid of you."
    By calling out your anxiety, you take away its power. You can acknowledge its presence without letting it control you.

  • "I’ve got my deep breaths ready—watch me stay calm!"
    You’ve got tools, like deep breathing, to help you manage. Remind yourself that you’re prepared to handle the situation.

  • "You’re just a feeling, and feelings don’t control me!"
    Feelings come and go, but they don’t have the power to dictate your actions. You’re stronger than that.

  • "You can show up, but I’m still getting on this plane."
    Anxiety may tag along, but you’re still following through with your plans. You don’t need to feel 100% calm to take action.

  • "Nope, anxiety, you’re not winning today!"
    Sometimes, the best way to handle anxiety is with a firm “no.” This statement reinforces your decision to move forward.

  • "I’m brave enough to fly, even if you try to stop me."
    Courage isn’t the absence of fear—it’s acting even when fear is present. Remind yourself that you’re brave enough to do this.

  • "I’ve got all the tools I need, so back off, anxiety!"
    You’re equipped with skills like deep breathing and grounding techniques. You’ve got this under control.

Final Thoughts: When anxiety shows up, it doesn’t get to decide how your flight goes—you do. Talking back to your anxiety is a powerful way to take charge and remind yourself of your own strength. Whether you’re at the gate, mid-flight, or dealing with pre-flight nerves, these phrases can help shift your mindset and keep you grounded (hopefully not literally grounded, because I want you in the air!).

You’ve got this!

If you need more help with flying anxiety,  Grab the Free Flight Anxiety Toolkit for my top 12 tips here for more ease on your next flight.


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How to Manage Anxiety When You’re Afraid of Flying