Navigating Setbacks: Strategies for Dealing with Anxiety and OCD

Navigating Setbacks: Strategies for Dealing with Anxiety and OCD

What Can Cause a Setback in Anxiety or OCD?

Changes in life, whether positive or not, often bring added stress, making individuals susceptible to anxiety and OCD setbacks. Common changes that can lead to setbacks can include:

  • Starting a new job, relocating, welcoming a new family member, or getting married, loss of a loved one, can all contribute to heightened anxiety and potential setbacks. 

  • Medication changes, particularly abrupt discontinuation, can be challenging for many people dealing with anxiety or OCD. 

  • Getting sick can exacerbate your mental health symptoms. When you're unwell, it becomes difficult to invest the energy necessary for self-care, leading to a decline in mood and heightened anxiety.

10 Strategies for Handling Setbacks

  1. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself. Understand that setbacks in your journey to manage anxiety and OCD are a natural part of life and don't define your progress. 

  2. Reflect on your setback. With every setback, there is something to be learned. I created a worksheet with six prompts to help you reflect on the setback and create a plan to move forward. You can get this worksheet using the sign-up form at the bottom of this page.

  3. Reflect on Past Success: Think back to a time when your mental health and management of anxiety or OCD was in a better place. What strategies were you using then? It could be therapy, exposure exercises, mindfulness, regular exercise, or other methods. Reincorporate these into your routine to get back on track. 

  4. Prioritize Self-Care: Engage in activities that nurture your well-being. This might include relaxation, spending time in nature, or indulging in a hobby you enjoy. 

  5. Keep It Simple: Don't overcomplicate the situation by overthinking or obsessively trying to identify the root cause of your setback. Instead, focus on moving forward in your anxiety journey. 

  6. Realistic Expectations: Understand that one bad day does not mean a complete relapse. Be patient with yourself as you work through setbacks. 

  7. Re-engage with Treatment: If you've been on medication or in therapy for anxiety or OCD, reconnect with your treatment plan to regain stability and control. You might not need to be in therapy long term, a few booster sessions may be all you need to get back to where you were. 

  8. Stay Active: Keep yourself occupied with tasks and activities to allow time to pass and help you regain your confidence. 

  9. Remind Yourself You are Stronger than Anxiety: You've faced setbacks before and emerged stronger. You've got the resilience to overcome this one as well.

  10. Re-Engage with the Moment at Hand: Sometimes, having any amount of anxiety or OCD symptoms can make you afraid that you are headed for trouble. But that may not be true. Try to respond with urgency, instead,  create some distance from the problem and focus on the task in front of you. 

Remember, setbacks are a part of the journey when managing anxiety and OCD, but they don't define you and don’t have to be permanent.. By acknowledging and applying these strategies, you can navigate through challenges and continue your path toward improved mental health.


Grab the Learning From Setbacks Worksheet

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