How to Find the Motivation to Overcome Your Fear of Flying

How to Find the Motivation to Overcome Your Fear of Flying

Overcoming a fear of flying is no small feat. It requires courage, determination, and a clear understanding of why it's important to you. Often, the key to staying motivated throughout this journey lies in recognizing the personal consequences of your fear. By reflecting on how your fear of flying has impacted your life, you can find the motivation to push through and achieve lasting change.

Finding Your Personal "Why"

Understanding why overcoming your fear of flying is important can be a game-changer. When you know the deeper reasons behind your decision, it becomes easier to stay focused and motivated. Here's a simple exercise to help you uncover your personal "why."

Exercise: Reflecting on the Cost of Fear

Take a moment to think about why flying, even though it's scary, matters to you. Consider how getting over this fear connects with the things that truly matter in your life—like your relationships, job, and personal growth. Reflecting on these aspects can provide powerful motivation.


  1. Personal Relationships: How has your fear of flying impacted your relationships with family and friends? Think about shared experiences and moments affected by your fear.

  2. Career Opportunities: Reflect on any instances where your fear might have influenced job opportunities or professional growth. How has it played a role in your career path?

  3. Overall Quality of Life: Explore the broader impact on your day-to-day life. In what ways has your fear affected your overall well-being and happiness?

  4. Missed Opportunities: Identify specific opportunities that you might have missed out on due to your fear. What could have been different if fear wasn't a factor?


Using the consequences of your fear as motivation can be incredibly powerful. By recognizing the impact your fear of flying has had on your life, you can find the drive to make meaningful changes. This isn't just about conquering a fear; it's about reclaiming your life and opening up new possibilities. Remember, every step you take brings you closer to overcoming your fear and living a fuller, more liberated life.

Need More Support With Your Fear of Flying?

If you need more help with flying anxiety,  Grab the Free Flight Anxiety Toolkit for my top 12 tips here for more ease on your next flight.


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