State of Mind Therapy

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4 Types of Reassurance Traps

  1. Do No Harm

This type of reassurance seeking involves looking for certainty that you are not a bad person. Intrusive harming thoughts (with violent, sexual, or embarrassing content). Examples include: having to always be careful to avoid accidental harm to yourself or others. Overwhelming fear of offending God that leads you to constantly try to prove to yourself that you in good grace.

2. Guarantees Forever

This type of reassurance seeking is meant to find certainty that everything will be ok. Examples include: seeking constant reassurance to prove you don't have a serious illness can look like checking your pulse or temperature when not told to do so by your doctor. Needing to know if you are going to get fired by studying others reactions and excessively asking others if they think you are not performing well. Having to know your partner is being faithful by scanning partner's face, checking phone and emails, becoming upset if a text is not answered right away.

3. Banish All Doubts.

This type of reassurance seeking involves trying to know the answer the questions that are unanswerable. These can include questions like "what if I'm gay?"..."how do I know I'm not going crazy?...or "how ca I be sure I'm really here on earth?"

4. Don't Mess Up.

This type of reassurance can look like having fears about messing up at work, which can lead to endless checking over emails or working excessively to avoid imperfections. It can also look like doing endless research and planning on a simple purchase to be sure to make the perfect decision.

If you struggle with anxiety and reassurance seeking, State of Mind Therapy can help. Ready to get started?