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Packing for Peace: Essential Items for Anxious Flyers

Packing for Peace: Essential Items for Anxious Flyers

If the thought of spending hours on a plane sends shivers down your spine, you're not alone. I've been there, eyes shut, desperately trying to ignore the reality of the flight. It was miserable until I figured out my own formula for a cozy, busy, and calm flight. So, let's dive into items you should pack in your carry-on to make your next flight a breeze.

Comfort from Head to Toe

  • Headphones: Be sure to bring your own headphones. Pro-tip: bring both wired and wireless ones. Because most airlines don’t have bluetooth capabilities on the TVs on the back of the seat in front of you and the flight crew may not be handing out headphones until later in the flight. If the noises on the plane bother you, consider packing Noise-canceling headphones to drown out the sounds.

  • Neck Pillow: It’s hard enough to sleep on a plane when anxiety is running through your veins, but your chances are better for sleep and relaxation if you pack a neck pillow..

  • Eye Mask: If you plan to try and sleep, it can be great to bring your own sleep mask so you can shut out the sunlight and distractions.

  • Comfy Clothes: Don’t bother wearing jeans or anything fancy.  You’re going to be sitting for a while in a less than ideal seat (unless you are flying first class), so wear something cozy. I like wearing my cozy wool socks and joggers. Your body temps can vary on the plane (especially as your anxiety ebs and flows) so dress in layers so you can always be comfortable.

Mindful Distractions

  • Entertainment: Download movies, podcasts, or audiobooks for a pleasant distraction. Find a new series on Netflix that you can binge watch on the flight. If you plan to watch it on your device, then I recommend downloading it at home in advance so that you can watch it before you have wifi available on the flight.

  • Reading Material: Bring a favorite book or a calming magazine.

  • Puzzle Games: One of my favorite activities for an anxious mind is something that requires you to focus, like a game. Try a crossword or sudoku puzzle. 

  • Notes: I’m a planner so I like to be productive on the flight by planning. You can make an itinerary for your trip, make a meal plan, or on your return flight make your to-do list for the week you get home (maybe even order groceries and get them scheduled for delivery to make the week easy-peasy!)

  • If you need other ideas for how to keep busy on a plane, check out my blog on 50 Things to Do on a Plane

Nourishment for Your Body

  • Hydration: Bring an empty reusable water bottle through security and the fill up before your flight to stay hydrated.

  • Healthy Snacks: Pack light, nutritious snacks to keep your energy up.

  • Snacks for Calm: If you are prone to motion sickness, pack some ginger chews to help ease nausea.  

Soothing Scents

  • Essential Oils: Bring a calming scent, like lavender, to promote relaxation. You can put a few drops on a cotton ball at home and place it in a ziploc for convenience while traveling. 

  • Scented Lotion: Your favorite lotion can be soothing and comforting. Just be sure it’s in a travel size container so the TSA doesn’t snatch it from you.

Anxiety-Busting Tools

  • Playlist: Create a playlist of songs to boost your mood. It could be calming, favorite tunes, or motivational. I personally love a motivational playlist as a way to get pumped up and ready to face my fears. 

  • Breathing Exercises: My quick go-to breathing exercise is to imagine breathing in something hot…like tea, and then cool it down with your breath. There are a ton of different breathing exercises out there, find one you like and use it as needed. 

  • Intense Candy: If you're prone to panic attacks, consider carrying a candy with a bold, intense flavor like sour or spicy (like WarHeads). The strong sensation in your mouth can be a powerful distraction.

Take these tips as a starting point and modify them based on what you like the best. My pro tip to you is to have a variety of options to keep yourself busy and calm so that you can switch it up as needed. Don’t expect any one single tip here to eliminate your anxiety completely. Your anxiety doesn’t work like a light switch that you can just switch off. But these items can help you to get through your flight with ease. 

If you need more help with flying anxiety,  Grab the Free Flight Anxiety Toolkit for my top 12 tips here.

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